Frequently Asked Questions

Do you move pianos?

YES! Thousands and thousands, every year, to all parts of the UK & Europe!

(We know, that question surprises us too! I’m going to say “no” next time someone asks.)

Are you insured?

Yes.  Fully insured up to and including concert grands, at £120,000+.

How many men does it take to move a piano?

It should only take TWO PROFESSIONAL PIANO MOVERS for a ground floor delivery of any piano.

It will take THREE to SIX amateurs, friends or family, and still it could all go very wrong.

Why should I use a professional?

The 3 Ps.  People, Property & Piano.  By not using a genuine professional piano mover, you risk damage to all 3, people, property and piano.  The cost of repairing any of those, will exceed the cost of using a professional piano mover, that’s not to mention all the mental stress and potential heartache, avoided by using a genuine professional.

My removal men said they can move pianos.  Shall I use them?

Writing as a former professional removal man, and member of the MoversInstitute, I know, most general removal men move less than 10 pianos a year.  Our teams often move 10 pianos a day, or more.  A genuine professional will have all the specialist equipment, and more importantly, the experience to deal with every different piano moving scenario.